Apple: Xavier De Bavay

An beautiful golden yellow antique apple originating from Belgium.

  • Vigour: High
  • Precociousness: Medium
  • Resistances: None observed
  • Size of fruit: Medium to large
  • Flowering: Mid-spring
  • Fruiting: Mid-autumn
  • Cropping: Medium to heavy
  • Ploidy: Diploid
  • Fruit colour: Yellow
  • Flesh colour: White
  • Leaf colour: Green
  • Parentage: Unknown
  • Descendants: Unknown
  • Biennialism: Unknown
  • Growth habit: Standard
  • Self-fertile: No

Said to have originated in Brabant, Belgium in the early 1800s, it is named after a prominent government horticulturalist of the same name.

Though considered to be sweet and balanced, little description of the flavour profile is available.

NOTE: I have yet to try this apple directly, having only grafted it in 2021, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated with flavour notes, and photos, as the tree grows and bears.