Apple: Topaz
1 min read

Apple: Topaz

Apple: Topaz

Sweet, spicy, juicy and strongly perfumed!

  • Vigour: Medium
  • Precociousness: High
  • Resistances: Resistant to scab
  • Size of fruit: Medium
  • Flowering: Early
  • Fruiting: Early
  • Cropping: Medium
  • Ploidy: Diploid
  • Fruit colour: Red
  • Flesh colour: White
  • Leaf colour: Green
  • Parentage: Rubin x Vanda
  • Descendants: Harmony
  • Biennialism: None observed
  • Growth habit: Upright spreading
  • Self-fertile: No

Developed at the Institute for Experimental Botany, Strizovice (Czech Republic) by crossing the Rubin and Vanda varieties, and introduced in 2001.

Noted for it's crisp "sparkling" taste, it is a prolific bearer, and must thinned heavily to ensure crops reach full size.

NOTE: I have yet to try this apple directly, and so have relied on others for information related to this variety.
This entry will be updated if I am able to procure a tree.